Teacher: Ken Olende
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Ken Olende, Tai Chi instructor, Taijiquan School of Central Equilibrium
I teach Tai Chi beginners’ classes and offer private tuition. I also run classes for pensioners’ groups and have worked with recovering addicts.
I have studied Tai Chi for 20 years and practice Yang style in the tradition of Master Huang Sheng-Shyan. I am a student and teacher at the Taijiquan School of Central Equilibrium (www.taiji.org.uk), which is headed by Wee Kee Jin (www.taijiquan-school-of-central-equilibrium.com).
I am registered as an instructor with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain (www.taichiunion.com).
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Tai Chi and Me
I started attending a Tai Chi evening class in a north London church hall in mid 1997. The art was recommended to me to help with recovery from an extended period of illness. I was unable to keep up with swimming, which had been my preferred way to keep fit while doing an office job.
I soon became captivated: more aware of my posture and how my body moves, I learned how to release the day-to-day stress which most adults store up in their muscles.
Most of the class had achieved all they wanted when they finished learning the steps of the complicated series of movements known as The Form. For me, this was just the beginning. By the time I was fit enough for other sports it didn’t occur to me to drop Tai Chi.
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“Calmness precedes the motion and while in motion, calmness remains. Effectiveness is demonstrated by adapting to the opponent’s changes.”
The Song of the 13 postures